Shamanic Initiation Journey
Shamanic Initiation Journey
Friday December 13th 6:30 until 8:30pm
At The Most Magical Location - The Barn 22
Join us for a night you will never forget, Friday the 13th and a pre-solstice experience.
We will explore a very deep and profound concept on a Shamanic Journey with potentially life changing outcomes. This is a path of being dismembered and remembered, of death and rebirth, of clearing out and being renewed in a way that is indescribable. A true Initiation.
This initiation journey can be described as “intense”, and it is recommended that you already have a trusted “helping spirit” or “spirit animal” that you are familiar with, as they will be called in to help you with this process.
This experience will be crafted led with much careful intention by Erin Harper and Alicia Bowman. There will be drumming, crystal bowls, and a relaxing sound healing session as you return from your guided journey.
We ask that you come prepared to sit, and lay down comfortably for meditation.
To Bring:
Your Journal and Pen
Anything you need to be comfortable seated and laying down in meditations
A mug for tea and anything you might like to drink (we have water and tea at the barn)
An alter item, any crystal, jewelry, photo, feather, literally anything you like to represent you on our collective alter.
Your open and clear mind, it is best to avoid alcohol or any mood altering substances and stick to really healthy foods the day of the workshop. We want you as clear and open as we can, to do this work!
All participants will receive an email a few days before the workshop with all the extra info and directions to The Barn Studio.
To reach out to Erin or check out her website and learn more about her and what she does (highly recommended!) click HERE